Bohemian Bangalow

Bangalow is a small town located in the Northern Rivers District of New South Wales Australia. The town is on Bundjalung country.  The town’s name is said to derive from the Bunjalung word Bangalla which means low hill or a kind of palm tree.  Bangalow is a delightful town full of boutiques, galleries and cafes. It reminded me of the small South coast town of Berry. 

The town features a few murals one is located on the toilet block in Bangalow Weir Parklands near the picnic tables. The mural was created by Samantha Wortelhock who goes by the name “ breakaway art”.  It features scenes from the history of Bangalow such as First nations culture, forestry, dairy farming, local flora and fauna. 

Another mural by Samantha Wortelhock is along the wall of the Newsagent and bookstore in the main street it features the story telling of Bangalow Past, Present and Future and leaves a visual message that we need to protect our environment for future generations.


 On the post office is a wonderful mural by Italian artist Vanni Mangoni it explores the theme of architecture and the environment on the original landscape of Bangalow and it’s natural beauty and First nations history.

Bangalow Weir Parklands is a lovely place and the walk to the Byron creek is peaceful and the path is laid with rainforest restored plants such as the red Cedar (Toona ciliate), blue quandong (Elaeocarpus angustifolius), native tamarind (Diploglottis australis).


Bangalow is the right balance of nature and art and great to explore. Below is more footage from my visit to Bangalow.




  1. Very nice post! This place is definitely worth a visit

    1. Thank you for your continued support. Yes is a lovely place


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