Platypus murals in Schools


Murals in Schools

One obstacle with wanting to document platypus art is the amazing murals in schools. There has been a trend of schools around Australia installing beautiful artworks and murals to improve students school life, which I feel is a great idea. As a lover of street art I always like to see murals up close and document them. Although street art in it's nature is not an always a permanent thing, I see capturing an artwork and remembering it within it's short time,  I find this quite magical. But when it comes to school murals I find this difficult as on one hand I understand that it has been created just for the school so in itself it is like a private painting in a private collection. But most artist's want their work to be seen. In the past I found it too difficult to approach schools to see their murals as I thought if I told them I have a blog that documents street art they might see it as a commercial investment and question my motive. However recently I have found that most schools are friendly and approachable when asking to see their murals. Below are some street art I captured in three public schools. The lands of the traditional owners I visited were Darug and Eora people.

Scott Nagy & Krimsone

This artistic duo have been working together for 8 years and have created a number of beautiful large scale murals with their main theme being humans connection to nature and native flora and fauna. The mural pictured below was painted at Chester Hill North public school in Chester Hill and features platypus, carpet python, blue tongue, snail, echidna and quoll. See the public news article published about the mural here. They also created a stunning mural for Bexley North public school featuring platypus, kookaburra, water dragon, black cockatoo, frog, lace monitor and rainbow lorikeet. See photos below under the subtitle Bexley North public School.

Chester Hill North Public School

Bexley North Public school

Blackbook Ink

Blackbook Ink  @blackbookinkmurals are a team of  artists who create street art murals. They created a beautiful collection of murals featuring Australian wildlife for Birrong Public school. I was lucky enough to see the murals around the school. They are colourful and vibrant. Lovely Lace monitor lizard mural done in collaboration with artist @burruguu_art in honour of the lace monitor that lives within the grounds of the school. Check out their youtube channel here for videos featuring time-lapse of them creating murals.

Beautiful mural collaboration with Blackbook Ink and @burruguu_art sadly wheelbarrow in front but still a brilliant piece

Christina Huynh

Christina Huynh is an artist based in Western Sydney, Australia.  She paints under the name STYNAA lovely mural of her's is at Chester Hill North Public school and features iconic birds found within the area. 

Final thoughts

I hope I am able to photograph more murals in schools as I'm sure the trend of beautification of school grounds with lovey murals will increase as it promotes a vibrate learning environment.

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  1. I agree these sould be easily accessible to the public - without being interrogated if you have a look because you entered a school site... They are all totally awesome quality! Awesome post!

    1. Yes I agree wish more schools were open to showing off their murals as they are works of art.


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