Platypus Podium leader at Oran Park


 Racing around Oran Park

I visited the suburb of Oran Park located in South West Sydney Australia. Oran Park resides on the traditional lands of the Dharawal people. Previously Oran Park was used to graze merino sheep then later from 1962-2010 it was home to a racing track which held Australian Grand Prix (Formula one) and Super car championships. Today the suburb is a new housing estate but the streets and area are named after famous racing car drivers of history such as Peter Brock. The Oran Park library also features an exhibition on speedway races. 

Peter Brock framed photos from Oran Park Library featuring the car he drove for Australian Touring Car Championship which was held at Oran Park Raceway where he was the winner for the round 1978 tour at Oran Park 26 March  

Street named after race car driver Peter Brock


The Camden council building is located within Oran park and a lovely relief mural is decorated on the side of the building it was created in 2016 by artist Kevin Vo and it reflects the history of Oran park and the its surrounds and the ripple effect the urban development has on the landscape and waterways.

Live it Up, Live it Green

Oran Park had a free sustainable event which promoted greener ways to help local environment and waterways. There was a lot of lovely hands on things for kids to do like paint a platypus, insect and reptile display, free native plants and a super platypus.

Super Platypus

Camden council which is the local council for Oran Park run a program for kids called Platypus warrior which features a cartoon platypus with a cape. This program aimed at children is to look after local waterways the Nepean River and help monitor its health so the platypus is protected.

Platypus Mascot

Jila the platypus

Sydney water has implemented an education program called wonders of water and it features a platypus called Jila as their mascot. The wonders of water van is a touring van that features a pacman style game that teachers people the movement of water through pipes of Sydney. It's a fun and creative initiative. Check out the website here for more information.

Oran Park library

The library has a cool modern design and its interior is decorated with awesome motor themed art. It was designed by a combined effort between Camden Council, Landcom, Greenfields and architects Brewster Hjorth and completed in 2018.

Moto Caelifera Eclectica by James Corbett 2018

Moto Caelifera Eclectica by James Corbett 2018


A selection of murals are around Oran park with one being along side the Oran park podium a local shopping centre. The murals feature local high school teenagers and local birds. The mural was created by Scott Nagy and Krimstone. Race themed murals also feature through out the podium shopping centre I am unaware of who the artist is for these though.

Scott Nagy and Krimsone

Race themed Murals

Public Art

 A sandstone platypus is located in the podium shopping centre near the outdoor eating area and play area it was created by Justin Sayarath. A selection of cow/cattle sculptures are within Oran Park too which is a reminder to the past diary industry and the Cowpastures region. Read more about the history of the cowpastures here.


The Cowpastures public art installation at Perich Park in Central Avenue at Oran Park

The Cowpastures public art installation at Perich Park in Central Avenue at Oran Park

A concrete cow in the reserve in Moffat Street at Oran Park (artist unknown)

A concrete cow in the reserve in Moffat Street at Oran Park (artist unknown)

Final thoughts

I enjoyed my day trip to Oran Park the live it up, live it green festival was a highlight and the local library was enjoyable. I am sure that I will return to explore more of the area in the future.

Balloon Platypus by artist Matt Falloon check out his art here

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  1. Great murals and nice sculptures :-) Thanks for description to the Ripples piece - fits that you included the sustainability event and the education on treating waters well. We need to take care for the environment


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