Surprises in Shepparton


Shepparton is located beside the Goulburn river within the Goulburn valley district of Victoria Australia.  Shepparton resides on the traditional lands of the Yorta Yorta nation.  Shepparton is known as Kanny-goopna' in Yourta Yorta language, with 'goopna' meaning 'deep waterholes. It's primary industry is agriculture with SPC Arddmona, Australia's largest processor of canned fruits located there. It is known locally as Shepp. A street map showcasing local street art can be found here.


A lovely mural by local artist George Manioudakis (@manofdarkness) featuring a turtle and platypus. The artwork is located on the Berry street school campus at Reedy Swamp road. It is such a realistic and life like mural and was inspired by the nearby Reedy Swamp wetlands. Another mural by him and visual arts students at GOTAFE  is called Reflections of Kaiela, Woka, Yedabilla, Danam (which translated to English is Reflections of Rivers, Land, Flora and Fauna) is located at 200 Fryers street.

 GOTAFE Mural CBD campus

Eric Brown

Eric Brown is a local First Nations artist and he created a beautiful mural called Continuing Circle of Learning on display  completed at Berry Street school campus in Shepparton.
The symbols in this painting represent the students and teachers in a learning circle. The painting also depicts nearby Reedy Swamp and the two totemic animals of the region the turle and platypus that represent the two traditional owner Aboriginal groups, the Yorta Yorta tribe and Bangerang clan. 


Vern Alcorn

A historic town mural depicting a timeline of events in Shepparton can be viewed at 103 Welsford street near the Tirana City Walk carpark. It depicts local fauna too including kookaburra and a platypus.



A beautiful collection of First Nations murals that celebrate the contribution of significant figures in the local community is featured along the walls in Shepparton. The artworks were created by legendary artist Adnate.  Below are the artworks. Read more about the artworks here.

The late William Cooper and the late Pastor Sir Douglas Nicholls KCVO OBE located at 102 Fryers Street

The late William Cooper and the late Pastor Sir Douglas Nicholls KCVO OBE located at 102 Fryers Street

Significant female Elders Aunty Geraldine Briggs and Aunty Elizabeth Morgan. Located 163 Welsford Street

Significant female Elders Aunty Geraldine Briggs and Aunty Elizabeth Morgan. Located 163 Welsford Street

Significant Yorta Yorta female Elders, Aunty Violet Harrison and Aunty Mary James. Both ladies are highly regarded local Yorta Yorta Elders and were heavily involved in supporting the local Aboriginal community and abroad. Located on Shepparton water treatment at 174 Welsford street.

Aunty Margaret Tucker (MBE) and Nora “Nanny” Charles - two significant past local elders -located 102 Fryers Street

Aunty Margaret Tucker (MBE) and Nora “Nanny” Charles - two significant past local elders -located 102 Fryers Street

Cam Scale

Mural at 70 Welsford Street recognises local First Nations people
who represented Australia in war, Private Daniel Cooper, a Yorta Yorta man killed in action during World War I. He was just 21 years old and is buried in Belgium.


Stay the Duck at Home located at 26 Fryers Street

Stay the Duck at Home located at 26 Fryers Street

Stay the Duck at Home located at 26 Fryers Street

94 Nixon Street

94 Nixon Street

94 Nixon Street

94 Nixon Street

Mooving Art

Moooving Art is an ever-changing public art exhibition featuring painted 3D life sized cows from local artists which are scattered throughout the shepparton and greater shepparton towns. Below are some of my favourite I saw in Shepparton. Most cows were located at Monash Park. Check out more information on Mooving Art here.

Final Thoughts

Shepparton was a wonderful city with a great collection of street art. I only had half a day there but I'd like to go back to explore more art in the region and see the Goulburn river near by.

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  1. Wow this is packed with great arts! fantastic murals, the one at Nixon Street with its stron colors is totally awesome, love the platy one at school campus too, and the Adnate ones. Also, the cows made me smile :-)


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